Reading the Decalogue Through the Centuries
01/01/2009 18:45MP3 resources from Wheaton College's Center for Applied Christian Ethics
Reading the Decalogue through the Centuries
Free audio downloads of the following speakers
Dr. Daniel Block mp3 (Wheaton College) – The Decalogue in the Old Testament
Dr. Craig Evans mp3 (Acadia Divinity School) – The Decalogue in the New Testament
Dr. Alison Salvesen mp3 (Oxford University) – Origen and the Church Fathers
Dr. David Novak mp3 (University of Toronto) – Maimonides
Dr. Matthew Levering mp3 (Ave Marie University) – Thomas Aquinas
Dr. Timothy Wengert mp3 (Lutheran Theo. Seminary) – Martin Luther
Dr. Susan Schreiner mp3 (University of Chicago Divinity School) – John Calvin
Dr. Jeffrey Greenman mp3 (Wheaton College) – Lancelot Andrewes
Dr. Carl Trueman mp3 (Westminster Theological Seminary) – John Owen
Dr. D. Stephen Long mp3 (Marquette University) – John Wesley
Dr. Timothy Larsen mp3 (Wheaton College) – Christina Rossetti
Dr. George Hunsinger mp3 (Princeton Theological Seminary) – Karl Barth
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Wednesday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Thursday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Friday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue