Hauerwas, Stanley

Hauerwas, Stanley

Stanley Hauerwas (b. 1940), is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School and one of the leading moral theologians, particularly associated with ecclesial ethics and the revival of virtue ethics.


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Internet Resources


Moral and Theological Concepts & Method

The Ethicist as Theologian, Christian Century, April 1975.

The Holocaust and the Duty to Forgive, Encore, Oct 1980 leading to responses to which Hauerwas responded in -

In Response: Forgiveness & Forgetting, Encore , Dec 1980

The Kingdom of God: An Ecclesial Space for Peace, Word & World, 1982 [PDF, with Mark Sherwint]

The Gesture of a Truthful Story, Theology Today, July 1985

Will The Real Sectarian Stand Up?, Theology Today, April 1987.

The Testament of Friends, Christian Century, Feb 1990 [autobiographical]

The Importance of Being Catholic: A Protestant View First Things March 1990.

Discipleship As A Craft, Church As A Disciplined Community, Christian Century, Oct 1991.

In Good Conscience: Reason and Emotion in Moral Decision-Making, Hastings Center Report, Jan-Feb 1992.

When The Politics of Jesus Makes A Difference, Christian Century, Oct 1993.

Veritatis Splendor, Commonweal, Oct 1993 [penultimate contribution]

The Splendor of Truth: A Symposium, First Things, Jan 1994 [with David Burrell]

Knowing How To Go On When You Do Not Know Where You Are: A Response to John Cobb, Jr., Theology Today, Jan 1995. A response to Cobb's A Christian Reason for Being Progressive to which Cobb in turn responds

The Naked Public Square Now, First Things, November 2004 [Symposium with others]

A Place For God?, Christian Century, Feb 2006

Theology as Knowledge, First Things, May 2006 [Symposium with others]


On Specific Theologians

Remembering John Howard Yoder (1927-1997), First Things, April 1998.

Karl Barth, Dogmatics In Outline (1947), First Things, March 2000.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Truth & Politics, Reflections, 2002 [YouTube video of lecture]

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Political Theology, Conrad Grebel Review, Fall 2002 [PDF, pp 17-39]

Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Lying: Reflections on America [RAM audio of lecture], Calvin College Jan 2003.

Bonhoeffer: The Truthful Witness [an interiew with Hauerwas], Homiletics

Paul Ramsey's Style, First Things, Aug/Sept 2004 [letter, at end of page]

John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy. Commonweal, April 2005.

The Virtues of Alasdair MacIntyre, First Things, Oct 2007.


Medical Ethics

Christian Care of the Retarded, Theology Today, July 1973.

Eliminating People Who Suffer?, Stauros Notebook, Sept/Oct 1983.

Abortion, Theologically Understood, Taskforce of United Methodists, Feb 1991

Why I am Neither A Communitarian Nor A Medical Ethicist, Hastings Center Report, Nov-Dec 1993

The Inhuman Use of Human Beings: A Statement on Embryo Research by the Ramsey Colloquium, First Things, Jan 1995 [signatory of statement]

Finite Care In A World of Infinite Need, Samford University, June 2008 [PDF, response from Dennis Sansom]

Abled & Disabled: The Politics of Gentleness, Christian Century, Dec 2008


Sexual Ethics

Sex and Politics: Bertrand Russell and 'Human Sexuality', Christian Century, April 1978.

The Moral Value of the Family, Winter 1998


Violence & War

James Turner Johnson, Can Modern War be Just?, Theology Today, April 1986 [with L. Gregory Jones].

Sermons After Tuesday: A Postscript

A Complex God, Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept 2001.

Just War Tradition & The New War on Terrorism, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Oct 2001, (as PDF, pp5-6 and discussion pp9ff].

Out of Silence: A Response to First Things

The Tonto Principle, Sojourners, Jan/Feb 2002.

In Time of War: An Exchange, First Things, Feb 2002.

Sept 11th: A Pacifist Response, South Atlantic Quarterly, Spring 2002 [PDF]. See also

Note from the Editors, South Atlantic Quarterly, Spring 2002 [PDF]

No, This War Would Not Be MoralTime, March 2003. (companion to 'Yes, a War Would Be Moral' by Andrew Sullivan).

We Must Oppose This War, Sojourners, Mar/April 2003 [signatory of statement by theologians]

Why We're Afraid to Die in America, Dr Hauerwas Response to Sept 11th  and Q&A Session [MP3 audios from Emerging Church 2003 Theological Conversations]

War, Peace & Jean Bethke Elshtain, First Things , Oct 2003.

Just War, Encounter 2003 [interview towards end of transcript]

The Gospel & Peace - A Pentecostal-Wesleyan-Quaker-Baptist Conversation, Mar 2008 [blog with links to MP3 including Hauerwas]


Other Political/Social Ethics

Sex and Politics: Bertrand Russell and 'Human Sexuality', Christian Century, April 1978.

The Chief End of All Flesh, Theology Today, July 1992 [with John Berkman on humans and animals]

When The Politics of Jesus Makes A Difference, Christian Century, Oct 1993.

Ethics in Our Time (part of a panel discussion of the social gospel), Christian Century, Sept 2000

The Church & Liberal Democracy: The Moral Limits of a Secular Polity, ch4 of A Community of Character [PDF]

Democratic Time: Lessons Learned from Yoder & Wolin, Cross Currents, Winter 2006 [Jeffrey Stout on Democracy]

Article on America [headed Milan, 19th February, engages with Charles Taylor and others, PDF]


Church Life

Embarrassed by the Church: Congregations and the Seminary, Christian Century, Feb1986 [with Will Willimon].

Clerical Character: Reflecting on Ministerial Morality [PDF], Word & World, 1986.

Ministry As More Than A Helping Profession, Christian Century, March 1989 [with Will Willimon].

The Limits of Care: Burnout as an Ecclesial Issue [PDF], Word & World, 1990 [with Will Willimon]

Preaching As Though We Had Enemies, First Things, May 1995.


Books Reviews by Hauerwas

Charles Fried, An Anatomy of Values: Problems of Personal and Social Choice, Theology Today, July 1971.

James Turner Johnson, Can Modern War be Just?, Theology Today, April 1986 [with L. Gregory Jones].



Your Kingdom Come, Sojourners, May/June 1996 [with Will Willimon]

Many Hands Working: A Response To Charles Matthewes, Anglican Theological Review, Spring 2000.

Confessions of A Mennonite Camp Follower, Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct 2000.

Pharaoh's Hardened Heart: Some Christian Readings, Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, Sept 2002. Responses by Fowl, Ford & Gibbs. Full set of papers here.

Pro Ecclesia, Pro Texana: Schooling the Heart in the Heart of Texas, Pruit Memorial Symposium, Baylor University, Oct 2003 [links to video]

Stanley Hauerwas on Theology [MP3 audio from Emerging Church 2003 Theological Conversations]

Why Did Jesus Have To Die? An Attempt to Cross the Barrier of Age, Princeton Seminary Bulletin, 2007 [PDF]

Hauerwas on Hauerwas, Readings from his memoir [report here], Duke, Mar 2008 [MP3 download or play]

Excerpts from Hauerwas Reader


Interviews & Profiles

What Would Pope Stanley Say?, interview with Rodney Clapp. Christianity Today, Books & Culture. Nov/Dec 1998. 

Alwyn Thomson, Stanley Who? An Introduction to Stanley Hauerwas, ECONI.

William Cavanaugh, Can't we just argue?, Christian Century, August 2001.

Jean Bethke Elshtain, Christian Contrarian, TIME, Sept 17, 2001.

Jim Wallis, Interview with Stanley Hauerwas, Sojourners, Nov 2001.

Stanley Hauerwas: Celebrity, Theologian & Reviver, Let's Talk, Christmas 2001.

Interview, New Zion's Herald, Jan 2002.

Faith Fires Back: A Conversation With Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Magazine, Jan/Feb 2002.

Faithfulness First, Institute for Global Engagement, Feb 2002.

A Theologian For These Times?, The American Prospect, Mar 2002.

Stanley Hauerwas: An Interview, Cross Currents, March 2002.

God and Country, Triangles, April 2002.

Theologian's feisty faith challenges status quo; forget labels. Stanley Hauerwas is antiwar, anti-death penalty and antiabortion, National Catholic Reporter, June 2002.

Stephen H. Webb, The Very American Stanley Hauerwas, First Things, June/July 2002.

Interview with Stanley Hauerwas , Religion & Ethic, Sept 2002.

Q&A With Stanley Hauerwas, Charlotte Observer, Oct 2002.

Interview, Chimes (Calvin College), Jan 2003.

General in a small army: Hauerwas battles for pacifism, Baptist Standard, March 2003.

'America's best theologian' walks pacifist road, The Free-Lance Star, April 2003.

"I'm a pacifist because I'm a violent son of a bitch." A profile of Stanley Hauerwas, The Progressive, April 2003.

An Honored Prophet: Stanley Hauerwas: "America's Best Theologian", Touchstone, Apr 2003

Just War, Encounter 2003 [interview towards end of transcript]

Alan Jacobs, Whose Natural Theology?, Christianity Today, November/December 2003.

Resident Aliens: A Conversation With Stanley Hauerwas

Do The Right Things, Dammit

Why Have You Forsaken Me?' Interview with Laura Sheahen. Beliefnet.com (covers atonement & Gibson's Passion)

A Pacifist's Look at Memorial Day: on nonviolence, Iraq and killing Hitler. Interview with Paul O'Donnell. May 28, 2004.

Dan Rhodes, Interview with Hauerwas, The Other Journal, Nov 2004.

Hauerwas and Theology Live, Faith as a Way of Life [blog reporting Hauerwas visit to center], Dec. 2004.

Interview with Joshua Madson of the Mormon Worker July 2008.

Whose Natural Theology?, by Alan Jacobs. Christianity Today November/December 2003.


Reviews of Hauerwas books

The Hauerwas Reader

Aristotle Papanikoloau, Journal of Church and State, Summer 2002

Wilderness Wanderings

Walter Brueggemann, Theology Today, Apr 1998


AKM Adam, Christian Century, Aug 2007

Blackwell Companion To Christian Ethics

Allyne Smith, Christian Century, Aug 2005

Timothy F. Sedgwick, Anglican Theological Review, Spring 2006

Stephen J. Pope, Theological Studies, Dec 2006

God, Truth & Witness: Engaging Stanley Hauerwas

Mark Thiessen Nation, Cross Currents, Jan 2008

Stephen H. Webb, With Friends Like These, First Things, Feb 2006.

Faithfulness & Fortitude

Edward Vaceck, Theological Studies, Mar 2002.

Engagements with Hauerwas

George Weigel, The Hauerwas Theses, March 1987.

Max Stackhouse, In The Company of Hauerwas, Journal for Christian Theological Research, 1997.

Arne Rasmusson, Ecclesiology and Ethics, Ecumenical Review, April 2000 [discusses Hauerwas and others]

Charles T. Mathewes, Appreciating Hauerwas: One Hand Clapping, Anglican Theological Review, Spring 2000. Resulting in response from Hauerwas

Gloria Albrecht, Unmasking the differences: Nonviolence and social control, Cross Currents, Spring 2002.

Thomas Hibbs, Stanley Hauerwas' Pacifism: The Radical Gospel, The Weekly Standard, May 2002.

Conrad Grebel Review, Fall 2002 [PDF containing articles by A. James Reimer, Pamela E. Klassen, Fred Shaffer and Faculty Forum with Hauerwas (and two articles by him on Bonhoeffer]

John W. De Gruchy, What Kind of Pacifist? Bonhoeffer and the Path of Resistance, Christian Century, July 2004

James Logan, Liberalism, race and Stanley Hauerwas, Cross Currents, Winter 2006.

Topic: Hauerwas, Stanley


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Отзывы: Телефон: 89266772255 КИДАЛЫ И МОШЕННИКИ
Руководитель Парамонов Сергей Александрович КИДАЛА

Телефон руководителя: +79266772255 - КИДАЛА И МОШЕННИК
Дата регистрации 01.07.2016
ОГРН 1167746620337
ИНН 7722368861

Адрес (место нахождения) 111020, г. Москва, пер. Юрьевский, д. 11

Директор Сергей Александрович Парамонов МОШЕННИК, обещает многое. Берет деньги, пропадает. Затем говорит, что не вернет и назначает встречу. Приезжает с чеченцами и заставляет отказаться от долга. Не имейте с ним дел.
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Пишет мама Эмира: "У Эмира сохранилась психика и он все понимает, но ничего не может сделать сам. Вследствие асфиксии у него погибли участки головного мозга, отвечающие за жизненно важные функции: глотание, дыхание, речь, зрение, двигательную активность. Поэтому он не может дышать, глотать, говорить, слабо видит и не может делать самостоятельных движений.
Эмирчик мог бы родиться здоровым, но по вине врачей стал глубоким инвалидом. Врачи допустили ошибку и ребёнок получил тяжёлую асфиксию во время родов. И после его рождения они не сразу подключили его к кислороду. Они не оставили малышу никаких шансов... Когда я пишу очередной пост, в котором упоминаю о рождении Эмира, я плачу... Потому, что я чувствую ту же боль, когда на следующее утро после родов пришли врачи и сказали: "У вашего ребенка нет шансов. Он или не выживет или останется глубоким инвалидом." Потом уже другие врачи, в другой больнице, где наш ребёнок лежал в коме в реанимации, предложили нам от него отказаться, давали прогнозы, что он доживет максимум до 2 лет. Эмиру 7,5 лет, он живет и счастлив рядом с нами! Мы всегда молились и верили в ЧУДО. И сейчас верим, потому, что видим пусть и небольшие, но все же успехи нашего сыночка. ?? Мы просим всех добрых и отзывчивых людей о помощи в сборе средств на реабилитацию нашему тяжело больному ребенку".


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