Kirk, J.R. Daniel
J.R. Daniel Kirk is Associate Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Internet Resources
Pauline Studies
New Perspective on Reformed Tradition: A Response to Kelly, PCA News [Response to this article]
Review of N.T. Wright on Romans, Westminster Theological Journal, 2003 [PDF]
Appointed Son(s): An Exegetical Note on Romans 1:4 and 8:29, Bulletin for Biblical Research, 2004 [PDF]
The Sufficiency of the Cross (I): The Crucifixion as Jesus’ Act of Obedience, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 2006 [DOC]
The Sufficiency of the Cross (II): The Law, the Cross, and Justification, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 2006 [DOC]
Topic: Kirk, J.R. Daniel
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