Reading the Decalogue Through the Centuries
MP3 resources from Wheaton College's Center for Applied Christian Ethics
Reading the Decalogue through the Centuries
Free audio downloads of the following speakers
Dr. Daniel Block mp3 (Wheaton College) – The Decalogue in the Old Testament
Dr. Craig Evans mp3 (Acadia Divinity School) – The Decalogue in the New Testament
Dr. Alison Salvesen mp3 (Oxford University) – Origen and the Church Fathers
Dr. David Novak mp3 (University of Toronto) – Maimonides
Dr. Matthew Levering mp3 (Ave Marie University) – Thomas Aquinas
Dr. Timothy Wengert mp3 (Lutheran Theo. Seminary) – Martin Luther
Dr. Susan Schreiner mp3 (University of Chicago Divinity School) – John Calvin
Dr. Jeffrey Greenman mp3 (Wheaton College) – Lancelot Andrewes
Dr. Carl Trueman mp3 (Westminster Theological Seminary) – John Owen
Dr. D. Stephen Long mp3 (Marquette University) – John Wesley
Dr. Timothy Larsen mp3 (Wheaton College) – Christina Rossetti
Dr. George Hunsinger mp3 (Princeton Theological Seminary) – Karl Barth
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Wednesday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Thursday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue
Dr. Neil Plantinga mp3 (Calvin Seminary) – Friday Chapel Sermon on the Decalogue